A Dentes supranumerários em pacientes não-sindrômicos: involução ou alteração genética?- Relato de Caso
*Travassos, R.L.
Dentes supranumerários são uma anomalia de desenvolvimento e vem sendo questionada sua etiologia múltipla. Esses dentes podem estar inclusos ou erupcionados na cavidade oral, porém devido as alterações periodontais, bem como oclusais faz- se necessária a remoção dos mesmos. Paciente sexo feminino 28 anos, sem presença de alterações sindrômicas, compareceu a clinica da Faculdade de odontologia – IAES com queixa de dentes mal-posicionados na mandíbula.Após exame intra oral e radiográfico foi constatado que os dentes fora de oclusão faziam parte da dentadura permanente supranumerária, sendo na numeração de 4 elementos, dois erupcionados e dois intra-ósseos. Foi realizada a remoção cirúrgica dos mesmos.Este trabalho tem por objetivo revisar os fatores etiológicos possivelmente responsáveis pela alteração na dentição permanente sem indícios de alterações de caráter hereditário, comparando as principais teorias a respeito da etiologia do surgimento dos elementos supranumerários.
TERMOS: Supranumerários, extração dental,
Supernumerary teeth are a developmental anomaly and is being questioned by its multiple etiologies. These teeth can be included or erupted in the oral cavity, but because the changes periodontal and occlusal it is necessary to remove them. Female patient 28 years and without any changes syndromic, attended the School of Clinical Dentistry - IAES with complaints of mal-positioned teeth in mandíbula.Após intra oral and radiographic examination was found that the teeth out of occlusion were part of the permanent dentition supernumerary, with the numbering of four elements, two erupted and two intraosseous. We performed the surgical removal of mesmos.Este work aims to review the etiological factors possibly responsible for the change in the permanent dentition with no evidence of hereditary changes, comparing the etiologics factors most commons related to supernumerary tooth.
TERMS: Supernumerary tooth, dental extraction,
Supernumerary teeth are a developmental anomaly and is being questioned by its multiple etiologies. These teeth can be included or erupted in the oral cavity, but because the changes periodontal and occlusal it is necessary to remove them. Female patient 28 years and without any changes syndromic, attended the School of Clinical Dentistry - IAES with complaints of mal-positioned teeth in mandíbula.Após intra oral and radiographic examination was found that the teeth out of occlusion were part of the permanent dentition supernumerary, with the numbering of four elements, two erupted and two intraosseous. We performed the surgical removal of mesmos.Este work aims to review the etiological factors possibly responsible for the change in the permanent dentition with no evidence of hereditary changes, comparing the etiologics factors most commons related to supernumerary tooth.
TERMS: Supernumerary tooth, dental extraction,
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